Yesterday's Hip Hop was all about the Heroes in everyone's life. For Hip Hop Hangover it was decided we should write about our Hero. I do have lots of Heroes but my biggest one is my Husband Dan. Wow, where do I start? We have been together for almost 18 years! Married for 15 of those. He is my best friend, my soulmate. We finish each other's sentences, know what the other is thinking! It's scary sometimes. That is why it is so very hard for me when he deploys. He is a United States Marine and very good at what he does! I am very proud of him and I know I don't tell him that enough! We always seem to take for granted many things in our lives but when that main support system in your life is gone you realize just how much you rely on each other. I learned early on that I don't NEED him to survive I just WANT him around! I am a very strong person, (you have to be to get through 4 deployments in 4 years!) but even the strongest person wavers. Even when Dan is gone he seems to know exactly when I need a little extra attention or loving words. Just as I know when he needs things from me. We are almost to our half-way point and to me this is the hardest time. Not there yet, feeling like it's never going to end! I decided to make him a little mini album tin with pictures of me and the girls and his dog Bella. He will love it! Here it is:
The tin I picked up at my LSS, Combat Creations. The paper is all Memories In Uniform also from Combat Creations, they have the best selection of Military supplies for any branch of service! The stamps are a mixture of Unity. I will list them all at the end. This first pic is the front of the tin.
Inside of tin and album
Inside front and back
Inside album
Back page of album
May KOTM (house)
January KOTM (star and 2009)
I also used a few images from The Greeting Farm Hero set.
If you've made it this far, thanks so much for reading my LONG post and I hope you have a great day! Don't forget to thank the HERO in your life!